
Responsible purchasing at AMA


  • AMA is taking part in a responsible purchasing training program organized by the Rennes Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), along with 10 other Breton SMEs, over a one-year period.
  • Responsible purchasing at AMA means sharing a code of conduct with our main suppliers, selecting suppliers ethically and fairly, exchanging information with our suppliers on their CSR practices, and buying locally.


AMA has been involved in a program of support, training, and exchange of best practices on responsible purchasing, with the CCI of Rennes since May 2021. This program consists of individual sessions with a consultant and group sessions with 10 other Breton SMEs, from various sectors. Our objective is to train together and exchange advice and feedback, to improve our CSR and responsible purchasing approaches.
At AMA, a pair was formed with a collaborator from the Purchasing department and a collaborator from the CSR team, in line with the collaborative and cross functional spirit of CSR at AMA.


What is responsible purchasing?

Sustainable procurement integrates environmental, social, and territorial impact throughout the purchasing process. Thus, the purchasing decision is not only based on the cost, deadline, or quality, but on all the additional hidden costs, which we call the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Responsible purchasing also implies a balanced relationship with suppliers, in a long-term partnership vision.
Engaging in a responsible purchasing approach thus allows for cost reductions in the medium and long term, through the development of more reliable relationships with suppliers, and secures the supply chain. According to the 2017 Ecovadis and HEC Responsible Purchasing barometer (120 companies in Europe and the US), 30% of companies that are pioneers in responsible purchasing have achieved cost reductions, and 55% have developed stronger, more reliable, and more sustainable relationships with their suppliers.


How does AMA's responsible purchasing approach work?

  • A code of conduct shared with our suppliers

AMA's responsible purchasing approach began with the drafting of a code of conduct, in which we set out in writing the major ethical principles to which we are committed, and which we want our suppliers to respect. For example, we insist first mostly on compliance with regulations, but also on respect for human rights, and we prohibit forced labor and child labor. Other important points are non-discriminatory practices, as well as anti-corruption practices, protection of personal data and confidential information. Most of these principles are in line with the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, to which we subscribe.
This code of conduct is shared with our main suppliers, who return it to us signed for agreement.


  • An ethical and fair selection of new suppliers

When we refer a new supplier, several companies are consulted. The final choice of supplier is based on a grid with common criteria around performance, IT security and CSR to establish a fair and equal competition. This way, we avoid the risk of giving a company a subjective preference and the risk of corruption. This last risk is linked to our commitment to the Global Compact and is an area of work that we are also carrying out, with a future awareness campaign for our employees.


  • Know the CSR practices of our suppliers

To go further than the written commitment, we are gradually exchanging with our main suppliers to find out about their CSR practices. We plan in the mid-term to evaluate our suppliers on social, environmental, and societal criteria.


  • Buy local whenever possible

Responsible purchasing can also mean local purchasing. We have measured the share of our local purchases (Brittany, Loire Atlantique) for 2021, that amounts to 34%. Our purchases of services and our internal purchases are made for the most part with local stakeholders. This is the case, for example, for our coffee, our supplies, our cases, our headphones, the hosting of part of our data, and the use of local SMEs for the realization of various services (work, printing, translations...).


  • Use effective tools to structure our approach

Regarding the CCI's responsible purchasing program, ending in June 2022, it has allowed us to align our CSR strategy with our responsible purchasing approach. In addition, it gave us the opportunity to assess our strengths and areas for improvement, and to build an action plan in line with our activity. From now on, many tools are at our disposal to implement and sustain this approach successfully over time!