In brief:
• AMA has performed its first carbon footprint assessment, with data for the year 2020, according to the international GHG Protocol method.
• In total, 1,128 tons of CO2 equivalent were emitted in 2020. Almost half of these emissions came from the purchase of goods and services.
That's it, AMA has completed its first carbon footprint assessment for the year 2020. This analysis provides valuable insights and will help us to focus our actions to reduce our carbon footprint. It also allows us to assess the CO2 emissions eliminated as a result of XpertEye usage.
Step 1: Collect data to measure our 2020 carbon footprint
Accompanied by the Good Planet Foundation, we have collected data on AMA's energy consumption at the Group level, but also all the data on the activities in AMA's value stream: firstly, the purchase of goods and services, the transport of these goods, staff travel, office equipment (IT and supplies) and lastly, the use of the XpertEye solution, the transport related to product shipment, business travel, waste. Each team fully contributed, aware of the value of this analysis and of the subsequent optimization, according to the estimated results.
In other words, we have estimated our carbon footprint on scopes 1, 2 and 3.
For the calculation of our carbon footprint, we have followed an internationally recognized methodology: the Greenhouse gas (GHG) procotol.

Step 2: Result: 1,128 tons of C02e emitted in 2020, the main source of these emissions being the purchase of goods and services
Is it a lot? This is equivalent to 392 round-trip Paris-New York flights for one person.
In the end, more than a number, it is a starting point to:
- Identify our main emission sources
- Implement an action plan to reduce our carbon footprint
What we can see from these results is that the purchases of goods and services, as well as our IT equipment, weigh the most in terms of carbon metrics. This is followed by business travel and the commuting of AMAmates.

An analysis is great, reduction goals are even better!
In a future article, we will present the next steps of our climate strategy: the reduction goals we have set ourselves, within the recognized framework of the Science Based Targets initiative, our reduction plans, but also our project to measure the CO2 emissions eliminated by our customers, as a result of XpertEye solution usage.