
AMA at Advanced Factories | Innovating for frontline workers

Advanced Factories, home to industrial innovation 



The 7th edition of Advanced Factories, a major international congress on Industry 4.0, took place in Barcelona from April 18 to 20, 2023. Attendees explored cutting-edge technologies that are revolutionizing factories into digital factories, through a diverse range of presentations, workshops, and networking sessions covering automation, robotics, aR/AR/VR/MR, IoT, blockchain, and AI.

XpertEye in action 

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During the event, we demonstrated XpertEye, a suite of secure productivity applications for connected frontline workers, through interactive demos. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about new ways to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve safety in an industrial setting. We also showcased our aR technology that facilitates remote maintenance, assistance, training, and collaboration, with the chance to try various brands of smart glasses and video sources to find the most suitable one for their use case



Augmented technician with digital watermarking

Our special invitee, Philippe Delbary, Innovation Director at Orange Business, discussed the innovative digital watermarking of augmented technician interventions. This solution guarantees the authenticity, origin, and date of each video collaboration, and archives it securely, integrating blockchain to record and authenticate technician's video collaborations as proof in case of litigation.


Overall, Advanced Factories provided a great platform to showcase our latest advancements in aR, network with partners and customers, and gain insights into the future of manufacturing. We are excited to continue innovating and leading the way for Industry 4.0.

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