Blog AMA XpertEye

AMA Carbon Footprint 2021

Written by AMA XpertEye | Jun 20 2022


• We have estimated our 2nd Carbon Footprint, to have an estimate of our CO2 emissions for the year 2021 and to set a reduction target for our scope 3
• This year, we started working with Sami, which offers an automation platform to estimate our carbon footprint


After an initial estimate of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2020, we decided to renew the process in order to continue to act to reduce our climate impact.

We made an initial commitment to the Sciences Based Target initiatives to reduce our emissions by 43% by 2030. This year, we want to set a target for Scope 3, i.e. all the greenhouse gases emitted indirectly by the company. This is a very important target for AMA as it represents 89,2% of our carbon impact.

Behind the scenes of AMA carbon footprint

This year, AMA has made a 3-year commitment to Sami, a platform that allows the company to estimate its carbon footprint. The automation of the data collection and calculations allows a real saving of time and resources. In addition, this partnership has enabled us to go further in estimating our carbon footprint, particularly with regard to digital technology and the environmental impact of our XpertEye solution. This three-year commitment also allows us to have a stable benchmark, and thus to compare the evolution of our impact by following the same calculation methodology. We are also supported by a carbon expert coach, who is present during the data collection process and helps us define our strategy for reducing our TCO2 e emissions.

As far as data collection is concerned, the Sami platform is divided into several categories:


The collection period may seem rather long and tedious but Sami makes this step easier and more efficient. The most time consuming part of the process is waiting for the data, and then re-contacting our different interlocutors.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

Mark Twain, artist, author, actor, writer 1835 – 1910)

There are still some challenges in collecting all the information and we have had to implement new processes within the company to better track data collection for the next few years.

Data on premises has sometimes been difficult to find, especially abroad. Indeed, we have specific contracts, often in shared offices, which do not always allow us to know the details of our consumption, especially for electricity. In addition, several moves have taken place in 2021, which complicates estimates on the old premises.

All the questions concerning our digital impact were also difficult to estimate. Although more accurate, this involved parameters and indicators on our servers and applications that were not yet monitored internally.

New processes also had to be developed for tracking business travel in order to be more accurate in our calculation method.

Finally, the employee questionnaire worked quite well. We had a lot of feedback, which will enable us to have an estimate that is fairly close to reality. In addition, the results available immediately after the questionnaire were very popular with the AMAnautes.

At the end of the collection, the calculations are done automatically thanks to the platform, with the support of an expert. We were then able to have a detailed restitution of our result which will allow us to establish a strategy to reduce our impact. We have also scheduled a workshop with our CSR coordinators in order to establish an action plan, in line with the ambitions of our AMAnautes.

Realistically, we will not talk to you about carbon neutrality, but we do want to set ambitious goals to reduce our footprint as much as possible, while continuing to develop the company's performance, which is still growing.

In this exercise, once again the mission of the CSR team is transverse. At AMA, the purchasing team, the accounting team, the sales team, the IT team and also our R&D team were called upon, to whom we would like to express our sincere thanks.


About Sami

Sami is the first all-in-one solution enabling each company to define and follow a complete, rigorous and ambitious low-carbon journey: 📊measure, 📉reduce, 🌳contribute, 📢showcase


Carbon footprint 2021 estimations